Time and Distance – Aptitude Questions and Answers | Latest Online Time and Distance MCQ Aptitude Test

By Nagraj M

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Time and Distance - Aptitude Questions and Answers | Online Time and Distance MCQ Aptitude Test

Time and Distance – Aptitude Questions and Answers | Online Time and Distance MCQ Aptitude Test

Quiz NameTime and Distance
CategoryOnline Aptitude Test
Number of Questions20
Time30 Minutes
Exam TypeMCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. It takes 5 minutes for a person to cross a 600-meter-long street. What is his current speed in kilometres per hour?
a. 3.6
b. 7.2
c. 8.4
d. 10

2. A plane travels a particular distance in 5 hours at a speed of 240 kilometres per hour. It must drive at the following pace to reach the same distance in 1 hour:
a. 300 kmph
b. 360 kmph
c. 600 kmph
d. 720 kmph

3. A person who walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr has travelled 20 kilometres extra. He has travelled the following distance:
a. 50 km
b. 56 km
c. 70 km
d. 80 km

4. A train is 50 percent quicker than a car in terms of speed. Both start from location A at the same time and travel 75 kilometres to point B at the same time. However, when stopping at stations along the route, the train lost around 12.5 minutes. The car’s top speed is:
a. 100 kmph
b. 110 kmph
c. 120 kmph
d. 130 kmph

5. A bus’s peak speed, excluding stoppages, is 54 kmph, while its top speed, including stoppages, is 45 kmph. How many times per hour does the bus stop?
a. 9
b. 10
c. 12
d. 20

6. Bad weather caused an aeroplane to slow down on a 600-kilometer journey. The flight’s average speed was lowered by 200 km/hr, and the flight time was increased by 30 minutes. The flight will last for the following time:
a. 1 hour
b. 2 hours
c. 3 hours
d. 4 hours

7. In ten hours, a guy completes a voyage. He goes at a speed of 21 km/hr for the first half of the voyage and 24 km/hr for the second. Calculate the total distance travelled in kilometres.
a. 220 km
b. 224 km
c. 230 km
d. 230 km

8. The speed differential between two trains is 7:8. If the second train travels 400 kilometres in four hours, the first train’s speed is:
a. 70 km/hr
b. 75 km/hr
c. 84 km/hr
d. 87.5 km/hr

9. A man on a journey goes 160 kilometres at 64 kilometres per hour and 160 kilometres at 80 kilometres per hour. For the first 320 kilometres of the tour, the average speed is:
a. 35.55 km/hr
b. 36 km/hr
c. 71.11 km/hr
d. 71 km/hr

10. A automobile travelling at its real speed reaches 42 kilometres in 1 hour 40 minutes and 48 seconds. Determine the car’s real speed.
a. 17 6/7 km/hr
b. 25 km/hr
c. 30 km/hr
d. 35 km/hr

11. Abhay takes 2 hours longer than Sameer to reach a distance of 30 kilometres. Abhay would take 1 hour shorter than Sameer if he doubled his speed. Abhay’s speed is as follows:
a. 5 kmph
b. 6 kmph
c. 6.25 kmph
d. 7.5 kmph

12. Robert is riding his bike and has calculated that he will arrive at point A at 2:00 p.m. If he goes at 10 kmph, he will arrive at 12 p.m. If he travels at 15 kmph, he will arrive at 12 p.m. How fast must he go to get to A by 1 p.m.?
a. 8 kmph
b. 11 kmph
c. 12 kmph
d. 14 kmph

13. A 600 km travel takes eight hours if 120 km is covered by train and the remainder by vehicle. If you travel 200 kilometres by rail and the remainder by vehicle, it will take you 20 minutes longer. The ratio of the speed of the train to that of the cars is:
a. 2 : 3
b. 3 : 2
c. 3 : 4
d. 4 : 3

14.It took a farmer 9 hours to travel 61 kilometres. He travelled at a speed of 4 km/hr on foot and 9 km/hr on his bicycle. On foot, the distance travelled is:
a. 14 km
b. 15 km
c. 16 km
d. 17 km

15. A man ran a given distance at a particular speed. He would have taken 40 minutes less if he had travelled 3 kmph quicker. He would have taken 40 minutes longer if he had travelled 2 kmph slower. The following is the distance (in kilometres):
a. 35
b. 36 2/3
c. 37 1/2
d. 40

16. The railway connects two towns. Can you figure out how far apart they are?
I. The postal train travels at a speed of 12 km/hr faster than an express train.
II. A postal train travels the same distance in 40 minutes less time than an express train.
a. I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer
b. II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer
c. Either I or II alone sufficient to answer
d. Both I and II are not sufficient to answer

17. A, B, and C are all on a straight line. Between A and B sits the town of C. The distance between A and B is 100 kilometres. What is the distance between A and C?
I.The distance between A and B is 25% more than the distance between C and B.
II.The distance between A and C equals the distance between C and B.
a. I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer
b. II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer
c. Either I or II alone sufficient to answer
d. Both I and II are not sufficient to answer

18. In the other way, two automobiles pass each other. How long would it take them to go 500 kilometres apart?
I. Their combined speed is 135 kilometres per hour.
II. Their speed differential is 25 km/hr.
a. I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer
b. II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer
c. Either I or II alone sufficient to answer
d. Both I and II are not sufficient to answer

19. How long did it take X to get to his destination?
I. The speed ratio between X and Y is 3 to 4.
II. It takes 36 minutes for Y to arrive at the same location.
a. I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer
b. II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer
c. Either I or II alone sufficient to answer
d. Both I and II are necessary to answer

Nagraj M

I am a IT professional having 10yrs working experience at a well reputed MNC. So most of my practical experience is around development and application level technologies. Also, I have professional networks, so I stay updated with latest IT news. I would really love to get a chance to publish new updates, my knowledge and experience through these articles.