Wipro Interview Questions 2025 | Wipro Technical Questions 2025 | Wipro Questions for Freshers

Wipro Interview Questions 2025 & Wipro Technical Questions 2025 & Wipro Questions for Freshers are available with detailed in below section.

Wipro Interview Questions 2025 | Wipro Technical Questions 2025 | Wipro Questions Freshers 2025


Wipro Interview Questions 2025 | Wipro Technical Questions 2025 | Wipro Questions Freshers 2025: Applicants who are serious about obtaining a position at Wipro may utilize the supplied information to navigate the selection process. The organization will publish recruiting notifications for a variety of employment openings on these projects. This is a wonderful opportunity for applicants, as the business is now seeking exceptional individuals.

All candidates are exerting their greatest efforts to get work with this famous company. We provide the applicants with preparatory resources to help them in achieving their goals. Candidates are wasting time in search of Wipro Interview Questions. This page contains a large number of technical and human resources interview questions for new hires.

Wipro Interview Questions 2025 (Technical)

It is essential to have a well-thought-out strategy for navigating the phases of the selection procedure. By reading this article, candidates may rapidly obtain knowledge of the questions answered in previous interviews and how to prepare for the next round. It is recommended that candidates review the whole of this material since it will help them gain confidence in their abilities to participate in the Wipro Interview Process.

Selection Process For Wipro For FreshersThe Wipro corporation performs a selection procedure for new candidates in order to pick them for desired roles within the company. The company’s hiring procedure is divided into three stages. Following is a list of these rounds:

  • Online Written Exam
  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview

Exam Structures and Curriculum for Wipro – The Wipro Written Test contains questions from several disciplines, including mathematics, logic, verbal technical abilities, and essay writing. During the written examination, corporate specialists will evaluate the applicants’ competencies and skills. Candidates who pass this phase will progress to the Technical Interview and Human Resources Interview rounds. In this step, the applicants’ subject knowledge will be evaluated. Assess the applicant’s confidence as well. Officials will evaluate all of these attributes while recruiting employees for their company.

Wipro Interview Questions for Freshers

We all know how difficult it is to get through the technical round. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of interview questions based on fundamental principles in essential areas to assist candidates.

Wipro Interview Questions – C Technical Questions

  • What is meant by protocol?
  • Execution of a C program starts from which function
  • What are all the sections that a C program may/must have
  • What is IDE
  • List out some of the C compilers
  • What is a header file in the C language
  • Is C language case sensitive
  • What is a keyword in C
  • What is constant in C
  • What are the types of constants in C
  • What is the variable in C
  • What is the difference between constant and variable in C
  • Can variable names start with numbers
  • What are the different types of variables in C
  • What is the local variable in C
  • What is the global variable in C
  • What is the environment variable in C
  • What is an operator in C
  • What are the different types of operators in C
  • What is the syntax for the ternary operator in C
  • What is an arithmetic operator in C
  • What is the assignment operator in C
  • What is the relational operator in C
  • What is the logical operator in C
  • What is bitwise operator in C
  • What is Macro Why do we use a macro
  • What is a data type in C
  • What is the difference between int, char, float & double data types
  • What is a modifier in C
  • What are the different types of modifiers in C
  • What is enum in C
  • What is void in C
  • What will happen if the break statement is not used in the switch case in C
  • Why is the default statement used in the switch case in C

Wipro Interview Questions – Data Structure Technical Questions

  • What is a data structure
  • Differentiate file structure from the storage structure
  • When is a binary search best applied
  • What is a linked list
  • How do you reference all the elements in a one-dimension array
  • In what areas do data structures apply
  • What is LIFO
  • What is the primary advantage of a linked list
  • What is the difference between a PUSH and a POP
  • What is a linear search
  • How does variable declaration affect memory allocation
  • What is the advantage of the heap over a stack
  • What is a postfix expression
  • What is Data abstraction
  • How do you insert a new item in a binary search tree
  • How does a selection sort work for an array
  • What is a queue
  • What are binary trees
  • Which data structure is applied when dealing with a recursive function
  • What is a stack
  • Explain Binary Search Tree
  • What are multidimensional arrays
  • Are linked lists considered linear or non-linear data structures
  • How does dynamic memory allocation help in managing data
  • What is FIFO
  • What is an ordered list
  • What is a dequeue
  • What is a bubble sort and how do you perform it
  • What are the parts of a linked list
  • How does selection sort work
  • What is a graph
  • What is an AVL tree
  • What are doubly linked lists
  • What is Huffman’s algorithm
  • What is merge sort
  • Differentiate NULL and VOID
  • How do signed and unsigned numbers affect memory
  • What is the minimum number of nodes that a binary tree can have
  • What are dynamic data structures
  • In what data structures are pointers applied
  • Do all declaration statements result in a fixed reservation in memory
  • What are ARRAYs
  • What is the Fibonacci search
  • Briefly explain the recursive algorithm
  • How do you search for a target key in a linked list

Wipro Interview Questions C++ Technical Questions For Freshers

  • What are the basic concepts of object-oriented programming
  • What is a class
  • What is an object
  • What is C++
  • Differences between C and C++
  • What are the basic concepts of object-oriented programming
  • What is a class
  • What is an object
  • What is the difference between an object and a class
  • What is the difference between class and structure
  • Define object-based programming language.
  • Define object-oriented language.
  • Define OOPs.
  • What is public, protected, and private
  • What is a scope resolution operator
  • What do you mean by inheritance
  • What do you mean by virtual methods
  • What do you mean by static methods
  • What is an explicit constructor
  • What is the Standard Template Library
  • What is abstraction
  • What is encapsulation
  • How variable declaration in c++ differs from that in c
  • What are the c++ tokens
  • What do you mean by the reference variable in c++
  • What do you mean by implicit conversion
  • What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding
  • What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language
  • What is polymorphism
  • What do you mean by inline function
  • What is the difference between a NULL pointer and a void pointer
  • What is the difference between C++ and Java
  • What is an incomplete type
  • What do you mean by Stack unwinding
  • What is a container class What are the types of container classes
  • Name some pure object-oriented languages.
  • Name the operators that cannot be overloaded.
  • What is an adaptor class or Wrapper class
  • What is a Null object
  • What is class invariant
  • What is a dangling pointer

Wipro Interview Questions – Cloud Technical Questions For Freshers

  • How do you connect on-premise applications to cloud services
  • What should be the strategy for application migration to the cloud
  • What is Serverless (AWS Lambda)
  • Which are the main constituents of the cloud ecosystem
  • What is Cloud Computing
  • Compare between Cloud and On-premise Computing.
  • What is a Cloud
  • What are some of the key features of Cloud Computing
  • What are the benefits of Cloud Computing
  • What is the problem with Lambda (Serverless) implementation
  • What is the use of API Gateway
  • Where to use NoSQL databases as compared to traditional relational databases
  • How can one protect against an injection attack
  • How do connect Applications to Cloud Services
  • What is API Gateway
  • What is Service Less
  • Compare Cloud and On-premise Computing

Wipro Interview Questions – Database Interview Questions

  • State the difference between Security and Integrity.
  • Define Normalisation
  • Define Primary Key
  • What is a Weak Entity set
  • What is a deadlock
  • What is log shipping
  • What are primary keys and foreign keys
  • What is the type of Synonyms
  • What is an Integrity Constrains
  • What is Table
  • What is a synonym
  • What is Rollback Segment
  • What is a Database instance
  • What are Roles
  • What is SQLPlus
  • What is a trigger
  • What is the UNIQUE KEY constraint
  • What is NOT NULL Constraint
  • What is meant by query optimization
  • What is meant by embedded SQL
  • Define Unique Key.
  • Compare and contrast TRUNCATE and DELETE for a table.
  • What are cursors
  • Define Foreign Key.
  • Define SubQuery.
  • What are the different types of subquery
  • What are the different types of replication
  • What are User Defined Functions
  • Define Self Join
  • Define Joins
  • What are the types of joins
  • Define Equi Joins
  • Define Cartesian Join
  • What are three SQL keywords used to change or set someone’s permissions
  • What are the types of SQL Commands
  • What is an attribute
  • What are the different types of data models
  • What is an active database
  • Define Self Join
  • What is a tuple
  • What is meant by embedded SQL
  • What is Functional Dependency
  • What are the different phases of a transaction
  • What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL
  • What is OLTP
  • What is DDL (Data Definition Language)
  • What is File Manager
  • Define Constraints.
  • What are the types of sub-queries?
  • What is SQL Profiler
  • Define Clusters.
  • Define Indexes.

Wipro Interview Questions – DBMS Technical Questions

  • Define Unique Key.
  • Compare and contrast TRUNCATE and DELETE for a table.
  • What are cursors
  • Define Foreign Key.
  • Define SubQuery.
  • Define Dbms
  • What is the purpose of Database systems
  • Define Self Join
  • Define Joins
  • What are the types of joins
  • Define Equi-Joins.
  • Define Cartesian Join
  • What are three SQL keywords used to change or set someone’s permissions
  • State the difference between Security and Integrity.
  • Define Normalisation
  • Define Primary Key
  • What are the different types of subquery
  • What are the different types of replication
  • What are User Defined Functions

Wipro HR Interview Question For Freshers 2025

  • Introduce Yourself/ Tell me about yourself.
  • Talk about one of your successful projects and why it was successful.
  • What things do you not enjoy doing?
  • Do you wish to pursue higher education?
  • Have you been in some challenging situations? Explain how you handled it.
  • Tell us about the skills which are required for this position.
  • In what areas do you need to improve your skills?
  • Do you have any questions for me?
  • Do you want to ask us something about the company?